Tập tành check regions list trong Gcloud bằng command line

23rd May 2022
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To check your preferred region

$ gcloud compute regions list

To change compute regions, I select us-east4 region:

$ gcloud config set compute/region us-east4

Updated property [compute/region].

$ gcloud config list compute/region


region = us-east4


$ gcloud config list compute/region

Your active configuration is: [default]

region = us-east4

$ gcloud config list compute/zone

Your active configuration is: [default]

zone = us-east4-b


If you don't remember the specific commands, another option is to change the region and zone in the gcloud configurations file which is located in:


And contain the structure below:

account = my-account@my-domain
project = my-project

zone = asia-south1-a
region = asia-south1

After changing region to us-central-1 you'll get the following output:

gcloud config list compute/region

region = us-central1

gcloud config configurations list

default  True       my-account@my-domain  my-project  us-central1-a         us-central1
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