Danh mục bài học Become a Drupal 9 Developer

22nd May 2022
Table of contents

If you’re creating a website and considering content management systems, chances are you’re considering Drupal. But is this free, open-source CMS the right choice for you? In this learning path, instructor Rod Martin covers the essential concepts and knowledge you need to get started with Drupal 9.

  •     Identify the essential concepts behind Drupal 9.
  •     Explore users, themes, and other aspects of Drupal.
  •     Create a complete design for your Drupal site.

Drupal 9 Essential Training: 1 Introduction and Administration

Drupal 9 Essential Training: 1 Introduction and Administration

Course details

If you’re creating a website and considering content management systems, chances are you’re considering using Drupal. But is this free, open-source CMS the right choice for you? In this course, instructor Rod Martin covers the essential concepts and knowledge you need to get started with Drupal 9. He starts with the basics, explaining the terminology unique to Drupal. He then shows how to install Drupal in order to follow along with the optional exercises, explains the best ways to plan your Drupal website, and then covers the administration interface. After this course, you’ll have a solid base to get started in Drupal, and be ready for the next course in the Drupal 9 Essential Training series. Note: This course was created by OSTraining. We are pleased to host this training in our library.

Drupal 9 Essential Training: 2 Content and Fields

While content and fields don’t sound like the most exciting part of a website, these are absolutely core to the entire understanding of how to use a content management system like Drupal. In this course, Rod Martin gives an introduction to the idea of structured content and content types in Drupal. Rod demonstrates the importance of categorization by creating a number of different types, then adds fields that will hold the data for each content type. He also introduces the WYSIWYG editor, shows how to configure text formats, and highlights the importance of planning out your content types to ensure the completion of all the tasks you set out to complete. At the end, he shows how to quickly test the content created throughout the course. Note: This course was created by OSTraining. We are pleased to host this training in our library.

Drupal 9 Essential Training: 3 Taxonomy, Media, and Modules

In this installment of the Drupal 9 Essential Training series, instructor Rod Martin covers three important aspects of the Drupal content management system. First, he tackles taxonomy, which in Drupalspeak means categories. As Rod explains, if you want to categorize your content, the best way is to use the extremely flexible taxonomies in Drupal 9. Next, he covers media, and shows how to build an entire digital asset management system with the media module in Drupal. Finally, Rod takes an in-depth look at modules. While Drupal can do a lot right out of the box, modules allow you to add new features, and there are thousands of add-on modules available for Drupal. Note: This course was created by OSTraining. We are pleased to host this training in our library.

Drupal 9 Essential Training: 4 Users and Themes

User management in Drupal is very robust. In this course, instructor Rod Martin shows you how you can create different user roles with different levels of access to your Drupal administration interface, then teaches you how to install and configure a custom theme for Drupal. Rod begins by reviewing the site plan and giving you a look at user roles. He gives you insights on how to set permissions and rearrange roles in the administrator interface. Rod covers how to gather content from users to create user profiles. He explains how to set up content workflows and custom permissions. After giving an overview of the theming process, Rod walks you through the process of downloading and installing a custom theme for Drupal.

Drupal 9 Essential Training: 5 Layout

Take a detailed look at the custom layouts you can create for your Drupal installation. In this course, instructor Rod Martin steps you through the full process, from a basic layout to customizing navigation menus. Rod begins with a look at a basic layout, then explores how to arrange displays. He explains how you can use block types. Rod shows you how to install the layout builder tool and create landing pages. He gives you an overview of views in Drupal and covers how to add a news section to your Drupal site. Rod walks you through several different views, then closes by explaining how to modify existing menus and create new ones.

Drupal 9 Essential Training: 6 Finishing the Design

In this course, instructor Rod Martin ties together what you have learned from the previous courses in this series and shows you how to finish the Drupal site you have been building. Rod begins by showing you how to add your logo. He walks you through updating and customizing your front page. Rod covers how to use a free Drupal module to add a three-column media block to your site, then steps through how to update Drupal and synchronize between servers. He concludes with bonus content on adding a digital asset management system to your site, to keep your media files organized and easy to search.

Theo https://www.linkedin.com/learning/paths/become-a-drupal-9-developer

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